
swan water bird nature water 57431 Welcome to the Swans

 We are the Year 5 class team:

Mrs Leach – Class Teacher

Mrs Adair - Teaching Assistant

Email contact 




For SEND contact Mrs Wildman



Yr 5


  Year 5

Swans Summer Term 2024

Welcome to the Year 5 (Swans) newsletter. We hope that you had a fabulous Christmas break and return to school excited about all the things that we’re going to be doing. Below you will find an overview of the different topics we’ll be studying.

Read on to find out more...

PE lessons will take place on a Tuesday and Friday. Please come dressed in your PE kit on these days and ensure you have your water bottle filled!  As the term moves on please also keep an eye on the weather forecast; ensure you bring a suitable rain coat/jacket for outdoor PE and I would also recommend a change of socks and shoes if the forecast is wet.  (shoes could be your school shoes, please don't feel you have to purchase two pairs of trainers) 


Homework is compulsory and includes reading daily at home, one of these sessions should be to an adult. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes and all reading should be recorded in the reading diary.  Children should also be working on their timetable knowledge through TTR for a minimum of 25 minutes throughout the week and completing the assigned spelling tasks on Spelling Shed.  Some of these spellings will be tested in our weekly spelling test, which will be held on a Monday.  With spelling and timetable work, little and often is a much better approach than doing it all in one sitting, as this aids long term memory. One longer piece of homework will be set on a weekly basis. The children have been provided with a reading a homework diary, please sign the books at the end of each week to acknowledge that you have seen the homework which has been set.

Healthy Snacks may be brought in daily to eat at morning break.

Water Bottles may be brought in each day and kept with the children throughout each lesson. Water bottles will need to go home daily to be cleaned and refilled.

Pencil Cases:  All pupils should have their own stationery for lessons and all writing will be in blue pen. In pencil cases children will need: a blue ballpoint pen, a graphite pencil, a ruler, a rubber and a sharpener (pencil crayons and felt tips are optional). It would also be helpful to have a small glue stick, pair of scissors, a compass and protractor. Please make sure your resources fit into one pencil case.



For the first half of the summer term, we delve into the captivating narrative of "The Paperbag Prince." Through this beautiful text, we embark on a literary journey that explores themes of resilience, identity, and the power of imagination.  
Throughout the second half of the term we will immerse ourselves in the vibrant world of "Radiant Child." Through this captivating text, we explore the life and artistry of Jean-Michel Basquiat; further developing the themes of creativity, identity, and resilience.


Throughout this term we will be covering blocks on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Decimals and Fractions, Measure and Data, Multiplication and Division.


ART and Design

The Swans will have their art lessons with Miss Gingel on a Friday afternoon.



Throughout this inquiry, we delve into the question: "Would you like to live in a desert?"  We will study desert biomes and their locations within the world.  Considering the challenges and unique beauty of desert environments, we aim to uncover the complexities of human adaptation and personal preferences in diverse landscapes. 


This term, we embark on a fascinating journey into the depths of the Stone Age, delving into the origins of human history and the remarkable ingenuity of our ancient ancestors. Through the exploration of their tools, art, and societal structures, we uncover the roots of human civilization.  To support our studies we will visit Flag Fen, a captivating archaeological site where ancient wooden structures and artifacts offer a window into the Stone and Bronze Age landscape.


In the first half term, we will dive into the exciting world of materials, exploring their unique properties and understanding how they behave in different situations. From investigating solids, liquids, and gases to experimenting with everyday objects, we'll uncover the secrets of the materials around us. Then, in the second half term, we will delve into the wonders of life cycles. We'll explore how living things, from plants to animals, grow and change over time. Get ready for hands-on experiments, engaging activities, and lots of fun as we unravel the mysteries of both materials and life cycles!


In the mornings Swans will be expected to walk independently to the classroom from 8.40; a member of the Swans team will be in the room to greet them from this time and the children will be expected to complete their morning work. The children will be dismissed from the classroom at 3.20pm. The children have been told that they must return to the classroom if an adult that they are expecting to meet them isn’t on the playground, ie they are not to just walk home. Please reinforce this with your son/daughter. If your son/daughter is going to be walking home independently, please communicate this in their reading/homework diary or by dropping me an email.

Mobile phones: We recognise that some pupils may need to/wish to bring a mobile phone to school if they are walking to or from school by themselves. All phones need to be named and turned off once on school grounds. In the classroom they will be collected and placed a secure box, the children will collect their phones prior to leaving the classroom at 3.20pm. If pupils have phones out in the classrooms they will be confiscated and a parent will have to collect it from the office. No phones will be allowed on any school trips or visits.

As always, please don’t hesitate to ask if there is anything you are unsure of or require further clarification on.
Mrs Leach and Mrs Adair

Click here to go to the words and music for Jack and the Beanstalk