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Welcome to the Swifts

This half term Thursday PE lessons will be swimming and Monday PE lessons will be dance. 

Our Geography and PSHE is based a book called Grace and family who goes to visit her dad who lived in the Gambia. Please help your child to write down any countries where they have relatives living or where they have lived before. 


Please look at the Knowledge Organisers below to see the details of what we will be learning.



Here are the Swifts teachers


Mrs Wood has made a new chart to celebrate the reading the children do at home. Each time the children get their reading record signed or stamped they can move their time machine towards the end. Five reads in a week and they can get a house point.

Please tick off any homework the children complete on the sheet in their homework book and record the daily reading in the reading records. 

The children are being reminded to change their reading books and take their homework books home but if they forget please feel free to send them back to do it at the end of the day. 


The weeks homework is at the bottom of the weekly timetable and is stuck into the children's homework books and uploaded below.

The children should bring home their homework books and reading books each day in a book bag. This keeps the reading books in better condition than if they are loose in a rucksack. 

For the Autumn term the children will need to wear PE kit on a Monday and Thursday.


If you have any questions please email mheadley@sharnbrookprimary.beds.sch.uk

We are the Year 2 class team:

Mrs Headley – Class Teacher
Mrs Wood– Teaching Assistant

Click here to go to the Swifts secure area (Please email Mrs Headley for log in details)