Welcome to the Kingfishers
Welcome to the Kingfishers
Mr Muncey – Class Teacher
Mrs Sanders – Teaching Assistant
Contact Email :
SENDCO contact :
Homework is due on Friday, TTR is for 20 minutes a week and Spelling shed is to be completed three times a week minimum please.
PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dear Kingfishers,
Welcome back Kingfishers! We have a great term we start our unit on the Anglo-Saxons in History. In Science we are looking at plants and in Geography we are looking at Antarctica.
In History, after looking at how Anglo-Saxons ruled Britain. We are now looking at various artefacts left behind.
In Science, after looking at fantastic flowers. We are now looking at the life cycle of a plant.
In Geography, after looking at mapping our school. We are now looking at exploring our maps.
Use the knowledge organisers below for our subjects this term.
The timetable for the week is below.
Kind Regards
Mr Muncey
Click here to go to the Kingfishers secure area (Please email Mr Muncey for log in details)