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Welcome to the Eagles


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Welcome to the Eagles

This term we are continuing with: how education has changed since the school opened in history; why population changes in geography; and why it is better to be there in person in Religion and Worldviews. In music, we are appraising different versions of You to Me are Everything. In maths, we are continuing with fractions and decimals, then data, and further multiplication and division practice. In English, our whole-class reader is Street Child; and our writing unit is linked to The Island. PE this half term is swimming, three times a week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (please see the separate letter regarding this). French is taught by Madame Bentley, PSHE by Mrs Leach, computing by Mrs Davies and art/DT by Miss Gingell.


20-30 minutes of reading daily (recorded in the reading diary); regular practise on Spelling Shed (minimum of 3 games within the assignment area - takes approx. 5 minutes) - some of which will be tested weekly through dictation; Times Tables Rock Stars 25 minutes per week (a little and often approach is far better than doing it all in one sitting as this aids long-term memory); CGP 10-minute workouts to build confidence and consolidate skills learned in class when set for maths, reading and grammar (up to 30 minutes per week); and any other tasks, as and when required, for example research.

144 Club

In addition to Times Tables Rock Stars, we also have the prestigious '144 Club' that the children are attempting to gain entry to. Each week they have 4 minutes to complete a paper-based multiplication grid consisting of 144 calculations; if successful they will earn themselves a specially-commissioned badge. Not only are children encouraged to complete the grid but also to improve their time each week. Children are aiming to improve on their previous scores, or completion time, so they are only ever competing with themselves. If your child wishes to practise completing the grid at home, you will find it in the files below.

Carly Kaplanmu

Reading Comprehension

Added to the files is a document called 'Questions to Support your Child's Reading' which contains lots of different questions that you can use to prompt discussions about the books they are reading.


To further encourage a love of reading, the children in Eagles can earn loyalty stamps for every book they have read. After they have read 6 books, and filled their loyalty cards, they will be entered into a prize draw to win a new book. A winner will be selected at random at the end of each half term.

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Knowledge Organisers

Please see the files below for a knowledge organiser linked to the Year 6 grammar terms that the children need to know. Other knowledge organisers will be added as required which link to the topics being covered each half term (where available). It would be really useful to download and/or print a copy for your child to refer to at home as they help to explain key concepts and topic vocabulary that they need to be familiar with. 

Miss Kaplan - Teacher (CKaplan@sharnbrookprimary.beds.sch.uk)

Mrs Coles - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Smith - Teaching Assistant